《新實踐集刊》徵求稿件類型與字數限制如下(以MS Word字數統計為準,含註腳):
w 研究論文:將在地實作經驗轉化為持論嚴謹的學術文章。內容應就實踐工作延伸,提出具原創性之研究論點;或以實踐工作經驗與既有理論對話,提出可供驗證或補充其理論架構之參考意見。字數限兩萬五千字以內。
w 研究紀要:於實踐行動中所獲得的初步分析、研究成果。可能包含內容為以下任一種:(1)針對特定議題或實作場域,呈現研究者的主要發現或初步研究成果;(2)以實踐工作內容開發特定研究議題的概念討論;(3)對於實作方案的延伸分析與討論。字數限一萬五千字以內(詳見書寫指引)。
w 文獻評述:五千字以內。
w 書評:五千字以內。
1. 來稿請用MS WORD檔案。
2. 稿件順序:首頁、正文(含圖表)、附錄、參考書目。
3. 首頁請註明:中英文論文題目、投稿文章類型、中英文摘要(中文400字以內,英文300字以內)與關鍵字(中、英文各五個以內)。因本刊採電子投稿審查系統,來稿請匿名處理,並請勿在論文首頁中註明作者相關資料。
1. 本刊不接受已出版或一稿多投之論文。
2. 本刊不另致贈稿酬。投稿人之文章經審查通過後,即同意其著作無償非專屬授權本刊使用,本刊享有公開發表權,以及後續相關非營利使用行為之權利。除刊登於電子集刊外,本刊亦保留日後將文章轉譯外文,以及紙本期刊、專書、電子書之重製與發行權利。
Journal of New Praxis Notice to Contributors
I. Types of contributions
Journal of New Praxis (JNP) publishes the following 4 types of articles (word count includes footnotes and references):
wResearch Article: Academic essays in which local practical experiences have been transformed into valid, reasoned arguments. The content shall be original research arguments derived from practical work, or a dialogue with existing knowledge or extant theories from the perspectives of practical work experience – a presentation of opinions which are verifiable or supplementary to the theoretical framework. The word count should not exceed 7,000 words.
wResearch Note: Preliminary analysis and research results obtained from practices in the fields. It may contain any of the following types of content: (1) Presentation of the researcher’s main discovery or preliminary research results on a specific topic or field of practices; (2) Discussion of specific research topics based on the practical work experience; (3) Extended analysis and discussion of a practical project. The word count should not exceed 3,500 words.
w Literature Review: No more than 1,000 words.
w Book Review: No more than 1,000 words.
II. Format
1. Please submit the manuscripts in MS Word format.
2. Order of sections: Title page, main body of text (including tables and figures), appendices, and references.
3. Provide a title page(s), containing the following items: Title in Chinese and English, type/form of the paper, abstract in Chinese and English (no more than 400 Chinese characters and no more than 250 English words), and keywords (no more than five). Since New Praxis adopts an online submission review system, manuscripts shall be submitted anonymously. Do not reveal author’s information on the title page.
III. Review
JNP adopts a double-anonymous review system on a first come, first served basis. Each article shall be reviewed by two reviewers. The review opinions are divided into “approved for publication,” “to be published after revision,” “to be revised and resubmitted,” “declined.” In the event of a major disagreement in the opinions, the article shall be sent to a third reviewer for further evaluation.
IV. Copyright and Publication
1. We do not accept papers which have been published or submitted for publication elsewhere.
2. JNP does not pay any remuneration for contributions. Upon approval of an article, the contributor agrees that his/her work is non-exclusively authorized for use to this journal, free of charge. New Praxis shall be entitled to the right of publication and the subsequent right of non-profit use. In addition to publishing in the electronic journal, New Praxis also reserves the right to translate articles into other languages as well as the rights of reproduction and distribution of hard-copy journals, monographs, and e-books.
V. Submission
JNP adopts an online submission review system. Contributors should log in to the website of the journal (https://hisp.cloudreview.tw/jnp) and submit the manuscripts. See submission instructions here: https://reurl.cc/V12jzN. Email us if you have any questions: journalofnewpraxis@gmail.com